Study programs
The University of Cologne offers a number of study programs that fall under the subject area of KPA,
- in the Geo Sciences
- in the Computer Science,
- in the Mathematics,
- in particular interdisciplinary study programs: M.Sc. Computational Sciences and International Master of Environmental Sciences (IMES)
Lecture Series
The KPA offers a lecture series (Ringvorlesung) with the title:
Modern Earth System Sciences - Complex, Digital, Interdisciplinary.
The first one took place in the winter semester 2023/24. The 8 lectures will be presented by different lecturers and are offered as part of the Studium Integrale. By registering in KLIPS 2.0 and creating an approx. 3-minute video clip on a selected lecture, students can get 3LP.
No subject knowledge is required and guests are welcome. More details under current lecture series and in KLIPS.
KPA Colloquium
In the context of the KPA Colloquium, lectures on the broad topic of Earth system sciences are presented at irregular intervals. These will be offered not only to geoscientists, but also to people from outside the field who are interested in the topic.
The first date was 4 July 2023, followed hopefully by numerous equally exciting lectures.
OER materials
The KPA supports the Klima-OER project running at the Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology:
‘Open Educational Resources (OER) are educational materials of any kind and in any medium that are available under an open licence. Such a licence enables free access as well as free use, editing and redistribution by third parties without or with minor restrictions. The originators themselves determine which rights of use they grant and which rights they reserve.’ (Definition from
The Klima-OER project was launched in June 2024 in the meteorological department at the Institute of Geosciences at the University of Bonn in cooperation with the Universities of Cologne, Karlsruhe and Hamburg and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for a period of three years. One aim of the project is to create meteorological content for newcomers to the Master's degree programmes in meteorology in order to facilitate entry. Due to the educational mandate towards the general public, educational materials with weather and climate topics are to be made available at various levels with content and factual expertise from the meteorological community.
The general OER strategy provides a general overview, links to platforms for numerous OER materials can be found on the Klima-OER page and an example from a previous Education for Sustainable Development project can be found directly under the Cologne Ilias.
Master thesis
We support interdisciplinary master thesis, where the thesis is supervised by several supervisors from different departments.
Graduate schools
The Graduate School of Geosciences, the GSGS aims to offer a structured research and learning environment for doctoral candidates in geosciences at the University of Cologne. It fosters interdisciplinarity in geoscience research and strengthen the relations between the participating disciplines.
One part of the Albertus Magnus Center is the Graduate School of Mathematics/Computer Science of the Department of Mathematics/Computer Science at the University of Cologne - GraMatIK. It bundles and networks the activities of the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Computer Science as well as the cooperation in the field of graduate education.